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Children at Burien Cooperative Preschool are free to explore and satisfy their needs and
curiosity through the magic of play. We inspire families to grow alongside their children
while building a strong and lasting community.


The purpose of the Preschool shall be to provide a supervised play-based program for the
children and further the education of the parent members in the principles of early childhood


Section 1: Parents or guardians with a child age of 1-5 on August 31st of the enrolling year
are eligible. Class divisions are outlined in the Parent Handbook.
Exceptions to the age guidelines will be considered on a case-by-case basis by teachers
and Board vote.

Note 1: Should enrollment in Forest School Classes not be filled by current students of
BCP, enrollment will be offered to children in the community of the same age.
Registration priorities for regular classes are outlined in Section VI, below.
Note 2: Should enrollment numbers be low enough to comprise financial burdens upon
school operations, classes may be combined, and the new class(es) given a temporary
name by Board vote. All class combinations shall be approved by Board vote with

Section 2: The first month of Preschool attendance shall be considered a trial period for
the Preschool, member family, and child. At the end of the first month period, either the
member family or the Preschool may cancel enrollment. If cancellation of membership
occurs at the end of the first month, the last month’s tuition will be refunded and check
deposits for cleaning, work party, and special event hours will be destroyed. The fees are
discussed in Article VI.

Section 3: Only persons who are willing to accept the duties and responsibilities of
active participation shall be allowed to enroll their children. Working scheduled serve
days, adhering to the Teacher’s classroom guidelines, attending the monthly parent
meetings, making timely tuition and fee payments, completing cleaning, work party,

Family Auction Contributions, and special event hour commitments, and fulfilling the
responsibilities of an Operations Support job constitutes being a cooperative member.


Section 4: Before enrolling, the applicant may be interviewed by the Board of Directors
and the teachers if deemed appropriate. Upon acceptance of membership, the applicant
agrees to sign the Contract of Membership Responsibility.


Section 5: In order to withdraw from the Preschool, two weeks’ written notice via Intent
to Drop form must be given to the Class Representative or Membership Coordinator.
Class Representative will submit Intent to Drop immediately to the Board. The two
weeks begin upon receipt of the written notice and regular tuition must be paid during
that period. If tuition and fees are current at the time of withdrawal, and the member’s
account is otherwise in good standing, additional tuition paid beyond the two-week
period will be refunded. If tuition and fees are outstanding, tuition payments made
during the two-week period will be applied to the balance owed. If tuition payments do
not cover the unpaid balance owed, the remaining balance is due immediately.


Section 6: Registration priorities are given in this order:
a. Currently enrolled students moving forward to the next class
b. Currently enrolled students repeating a class based on teacher recommendation and
Board approval
c. Currently enrolled families registering new students, i.e. siblings
d. Alumni families who have left the school in good standing.
e. Southminster Presbyterian Church families.
f. Bates Technical College transfers in good standing (families coming from the Bates
Parent Infant/Toddler program or another Bates Preschool).
g. New families and others.

Note 1: Registrations for the following year will not be accepted before the enrollment
period begins.

Section 7: All registration applications must be submitted electronically or mailed in.
Enrollment within each of the previously listed groups is conducted on a first-come,
first-served basis, with date of postmark used for mailed-in applications.

Section 8: Any currently enrolled family must be current financially and in all areas of
responsibility (e.g., Operations Support responsibilities, serve day attendance, parent
education, etc.) in order to enroll for the following year.

Section 9: In cases of multiple children from the same family enrolled in the Preschool,
the family will be assigned only one support position and required to facilitate only one
cleaning, work party, and special event. They must meet the current serve requirement
for each child enrolled.


Section 10: Termination of membership is at the discretion of the Board of Directors and
will be presented for evaluation if three of the following circumstances occur in any
a. Tuition and fees are 30 days past due
b. Failure to fulfill one obligation in the classroom as a serve parent
c. Failure to fulfill the Operations Support position requirements for one month
d. One incident of serve day unexcused tardiness (arrival more than fifteen minutes after
the start of class)
e. Failure to pick up your child within 15 min from the time class ended.
f. One unexcused parent meeting absence

Section 11: A family’s membership may also be presented for evaluation immediately
under the terms of Article V Section 6.

Section 1:
Class shall be held in accordance to the outline in the Parent Handbook.
School vacations will coincide with the Highline School District calendar.


Note 1: Should classes be combined, the Board reserves the discretion to offer options to
affected parents regarding the number of days per week their child(ren) attends class.

Note 2: Any enrolled family may petition the Board to modify attendance requirement,
including class modification, with commensurate reductions in tuition. Upon the receipt
of such a petition, the President shall convene an ad hoc adjudication board to decide
upon the appropriate response. Such board shall be composed of the President,
Co-president, Treasurer, Class Representative and Teacher(s).


Section 2: Class may be canceled for the purpose of attending approved field trips.

Section 3: Closing the school for any emergency shall be at the discretion of the Board
and the teachers. When the Highline School District is closed or has an unscheduled late
start of any kind, the classes for the whole day will be canceled. Canceled classes will
not be made up.


Section 4: Children must be kept home if there are any signs of communicable disease.


Section 5: No siblings or additional children whatsoever will be allowed to enter the
classroom during class hours, including babies in arms. Siblings are allowed in the
hallway during drop-off and pick-up times (no later than fifteen minutes after the start of
class and no earlier than fifteen minutes before the end of class) but apart from that,
must also vacate the hallway connecting the classrooms.


Section 1: SERVE DAYS.

a. Each member family shall be responsible for their scheduled serve day, sending one
parent/guardian from each family to assist in the supervision of the Preschool group
under the direction of the Teacher. In case a parent is unable to attend on their serve day,
it is that parent’s responsibility to find another enrolled family with whom to exchange
serve days or find a substitute who has completed the risk management training with
BCP. The Class Representative must be notified of the replacement or if none can be
found, by text, email or other electronic message. If a substitute cannot be found,
evidence of a good faith effort must be presented in order to avoid incurring an
unexcused absence.
b. Serve day parents are expected to arrive at school five minutes early, sign their child
in, verify their workstation, put on an appropriate apron (if required), read the work card
for their station, and follow the instructions for the day. Serve day parents must remain
at their workstation until the end of class and until all work card duties are fulfilled. The
Teachers will provide descriptions of each position.
c. Tardiness occurs when a serve parent arrives more than 15 minutes after the start of
class. Members are also expected to pick their children up by the time class lets out. If
tardiness occurs, the Class Representative will note this and a written warning will be
given. Unexcused tardiness may jeopardize membership if repeated offenses occur or in
combination with other offenses; for more information, please review Article II, Section

a. In addition to Serve Day duties, one parent/guardian from each family is required to
choose an Operations Support position at the orientation meeting and fulfill the duties of
that position throughout the year. These jobs are meant to help with cleaning,
maintenance, projects, fundraising, events, and other general work that must be done to
support the operation of the school.
b. Descriptions of each position and other details are included in the Parent Handbook
and/or with orientation documentation, including which Board member the position
reports to as well as timelines for tasks of positions.
c. Service on the Preschool Board of Directors also satisfies this requirement.


a. One parent/guardian from each family is expected to commit their time to prepare for
and participate (and verified by one of the Special Event/Fundraising Board Member) in
one special event hosted by the Preschool per year.
b. Details contained in the Parent Handbook.
c. Service on the Preschool Board of Directors also satisfies this requirement.


a. One parent/guardian from each family is expected to commit their time to participate
in one cleaning party, which will be hosted on a regular basis by the Board during the
school year.
b. Details contained in the Parent Handbook.
c. Service on the Preschool Board of Directors also satisfies this requirement.

a. One parent/guardian from each family is expected to commit their time to participate
in one work/maintenance party, which will be hosted on a regular basis by the Board
during the school year.
b. Details contained in the Parent Handbook.
c. Service on the Preschool Board of Directors also satisfies this requirement.


a. Families are expected to contribute to the auction in one of four ways:
i. item/experience procurement
ii. making an item/basket/experience to donate,
iii. securing sponsorship, or
iv. donating at least two hours of time towards auction support work.
b. Each class will determine what they would like their class basket to be that year by
majority vote facilitated by Class Representative. Each family responsible for
contributing equally to the value of said basket for each of their child(ren)’s class(es).
c. Further details contained in the Parent Handbook.

d. In the event of a conflict between requirements contained herein and the Parent
Handbook, the Parent Handbook is the governing document for the Auction

a. One parent/guardian from each family is required to attend the monthly parent
meetings. These meetings are intended to provide parent education, address any issues
or concerns in the classroom, inform parents of any upcoming events and other school
business, and to build relationships and a sense of community. The parent meeting
schedule is located in the Handbook and website. In the event, there is an update to this
schedule, it will be communicated via Preschool’s application.
b. Members are expected to notify their Class Representative in person, in writing, or by
phone if they are unable to attend a monthly parent meeting. If an absence occurs, the
Class Representative will note this and a written warning will be given. If a total of three
warnings are given, the membership will be presented to the Board for evaluation and
possible termination.

Section 8: Members shall assume all responsibilities for all personal belongings brought
to the classroom. Bates Technical College, Burien Cooperative Preschool, and
Southminster Presbyterian Church will not be liable for any theft or vandalism which
may occur to members’ personal property while at school or at a school related event.


Section 1:
In case of an accident, the parent and emergency services will be notified
Section 2: In case of an accident, regardless of the degree of injury to the child, an
accident report, located in the Health and Safety manual, must be filled out by the
observing adult and kept on file at the school.
Section 3: Parents are required to provide all immunization and any pertinent health
records necessary for enrollment at a date to be determined by the Board on a yearly
basis, but in no case later than the first day of school. Failure to do so will result in the
parent and child being barred from attendance and may result in dismissal from the
Section 4: All serve parents must receive Risk Management training and understand the
policies and procedures contained therein before working in the classroom.

Section 5: Quarterly safety checks will be performed by the Health and Safety Chair.
Monthly fire and earthquake drills will be performed by the Teacher, once for each
separate class.
Section 6: No firearms, concealed or otherwise, or any other dangerous weapons as
defined in RCW 9.41.250 are allowed on the school facilities during class sessions
and/or class activities. Additionally, no illegal or legal drugs will be allowed on school
property. If a medication is necessary for students, it should be filed with pertinent
health information and stored properly with First Aid Supplies/Allergy Supplies. Any
necessary medication for adults should be kept secured within personal vehicles, locked
away from class. Failure to comply will bring the offending family’s membership up to
the Board for immediate review.


Section 1:
All registration fees are non-refundable. All fees are non-refundable, except
where indicated in the Parent Handbook.
Section 2: Tuition is calculated on a yearly basis and divided into nine equal payments.
The monthly payments are due every month on the first of the month, except first and
last month’s tuition, which are collected on the first day of school. It is the member’s
responsibility to notify the Treasurer of any extenuating circumstances concerning their
financial responsibility. Failure to notify the Treasurer will incur a late fee of $25 that
will be assessed for Payment received after the 15th of each month. Monthly tuition and
fees may be paid using the following methods: auto-payment from bank account, online
invoicing via checking account, written checks mailed to the school at 19834 8th Ave S,
Des Moines, WA 98148. Neglect of financial responsibility will be brought before the
Board by the Treasurer, which may result in the termination of membership. In case of
an NSF check, the member will be assessed the amount of the check plus any fees which
the bank charges the Preschool’s account. Payment will be expected within ten days.
Section 3: Before any member falls two months delinquent in tuition payments, a
combined effort between the Treasurer and the Class Representative shall be made to
identify the reason(s) for the delinquency and how to solve the problem. The following
options are available to the member:
a. To become current by either
i.. immediately paying all back tuition
ii.. paying through a mutually agreeable payment plan voted upon by the Board.
b. To drop from the program with restitution of back tuition being made as soon
thereafter as possible.

Section 4: A limited number of scholarships are available for member families. Details
are contained in the Parent Handbook.


Section 5: Tuition and fees remain the same during months with school holidays,
vacations, and emergency closures.


Section 6: Past delinquent tuition or fees of a member family must be paid before re-
entering the organization.


Section 7: Any additional fees shall be delineated in the yearly Parent Handbook.

Section 8: If a child registers after Preschool classes have begun, tuition will be
prorated for the month enrolled.

Section 1:
A written request for a leave of absence must be submitted to the Board of
Directors for approval or it may be approved at the discretion of the Board in case of an

Section 2: A member family may request a maximum of six weeks of leave due to
serious illness or hospitalization, surgery, addition of a child to the home, or other
emergency circumstances by completing an Intent of Leave form. In maternity cases, the
leave of absence must coincide with the birth of the baby; either before, after, or in
combination, but not to exceed six weeks. Any leaves must be brought to the Board of
Directors for approval. An approved leave of absence may relieve the member family of
their serve day responsibilities, tuition for the corresponding time, and their Operations
Support position for that period of time pending Board approval of leave.

Section 3: Member families who choose to take a vacation leave will be responsible to
find a substitute for all serve days they will be absent. Tuition must still be remanded.

Section 1:
The Board of Directors of the Preschool shall consist of the President,
Copresident (a collateral duty), Health and Safety Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, all Class
Representatives, Fundraising Chair, Events Chair, Membership Coordinator, Resource
Coordinator, and Communications Director.

Section 2: The Copresident shall be determined by Board vote during the May Board

Meeting or as needed to fill the position. All nominees must be Board members. Self-
nomination is permitted.


Section 3: Board meetings are open to all BCP members for observation. Observers of
the board meeting are not allowed to speak or participate in the discussion. Should BCP
members desire to speak at a Board meeting, they need to send a request and state what
they will be talking about. They will be given a specific amount of time to speak and
then asked to revert to observation or leave the meeting so the Board can discuss and
come to a decision.

Section 4: The Board may also choose to have a closed meeting or designate a portion of
a regular meeting as closed. This will be stated on the agenda and in the minutes.

Section 5: The Board of Directors will serve on the Board in lieu of having to fulfill
Operations Support Positions. Although they are also exempted from Work, Cleaning,
and Special Events requirements, Board member participation is encouraged. Each
Board member will be required to host at minimum one Work, Cleaning or Special
Event/Fundraiser each school year.

Section 6: Tenure of office will begin with the close of the previous school year and will
continue until the end of the elected school year. The duties of the Board are as set forth
in the Bylaws.

Section 7: The duties and responsibilities of individual Board Members are as follows:
a. Acts as overall coordinator for Preschool activities.
b. Coordinates use of Preschool rooms with owners of the facility and acts as liaison.
c. Acts as chairperson for the Preschool Board of Directors.
d. Attends Bates workshop.
e. Arranges for September orientation Meeting, including creation of the Preschool
calendar and Board meeting schedule.
f. Cooperates closely with the Teacher in matters of Parent/Teacher relationships.

a. Assists the President as required.
b. In the absence or disability of the president, performs the duties of the President. In
the case of death, resignation, or permanent disability of the President, the Board of
Directors may declare the office vacant and elect any eligible person to President.

Health and Safety Chair:
a. Conducts Quarterly inspection of Preschool, reviewing Health and Safety manual.
b. Collects all immunization forms at the beginning of the year and as new children
c. Inform parents of contagious illnesses that occur along with the symptoms they may

d. Supplies and maintains the first aid kit.
e. Coordinates supplies for the earthquake kits
f. Responsible for or assists in updating the health and safety bulletin board, issuing
Health and Safety bulletin, and giving updates for Health and Safety information for the
g. Update Health and Safety manual each year.

a. Communicates out recorded minutes to all Board members and pertinent bodies
following meetings
b. Keeps record of all meetings
c. Updates school calendar of events and activities
d. Records minutes at all Board, Parent, and Special meetings
e. Posts meeting minutes of Board meetings in Meeting Binder located in the school.
f. Keep a spreadsheet of projects that are going on throughout the year.
g. Attends Bates workshops

a. Maintains a complete set of financial records (GL, PR, AP).
b. Attends a workshop for officers.
c. Pay all bills authorized by the Board as required.
d. Writes and Obtains receipts for all monies spent.
e. Issue reimbursement checks for all monies spent.
f. Prepares and sends invoices/auto pay for tuition on the 1st of each month.
g. Keeps running log of teacher expenses
h. Maintains spreadsheet for membership financials (registration, tuition, bates fees)
i. Prepares and submits all state and federal forms and filings when due.
j. Submits payment to the bank for the related payroll expenses each month.
k. Prepares a financial report each month and submits one copy to each member of the
l. Maintain files of the Preschool, including but not limited to monthly and annual
financial reports, payroll records (federal taxes, L&I, W-4s, etc.), insurance records,
bank statements and reconciliations, and non-profit documents.
m. Completes all financial surveys and requests for financial data from Bates.
n. Prepares bank deposits and deposits such money in the general account.
o. Reconciles bank statements for each month.
p. Enters all moneys received in general ledger or accounting software program
currently used (Quickbooks)
q. Collects mail for the Preschool.


Class Representatives:
a. Collects and ensures all paperwork is completed from each class member prior to the
first day of school, in coordination with Membership Coordinator.

b. Assists Membership Coordinator and Teacher(s) in coordinating and compiling the
Classroom Training Manual prior to Orientation.
c. Ensures that all forms are filled out and distributed or filed appropriately.
d. Verifies training has been provided for each person working in the classroom as a
Serve Day Parent prior to first serve day.
e. Prepares monthly Parent Serve schedules prior to each Parent Meeting and distributes
on Preschool’s application and posts one copy in the Preschool on class bulletin board.
f. Acts as liaison for his/her class at Board Meetings.
g. Distributes current class rosters to the families in their class to be posted on
Preschool’s application.
h. Communicates with the Resource Coordinator when individuals in their class need
assistance or confirmation regarding the responsibilities of their job.
i. Coordinates substitutes for Teachers' in-service days, vacation days, and sick days.
j. Coordinates birthday board for students in class.
k. Ensures information on virtual and physical class binders are up to date with correct
information throughout the year.
l. Attends Bates workshop.

Special Events Chair:
a. Researches and plans potential community building and social events for the school
that align with the Preschool's short and long-term goals. Submits recommendations to
the Board for review, discussion, and approval.
b. Researches and forms strategic event partnerships with community partners outside of
the Preschool.
c. Coordinates with the Fundraising Chair, as there could be some event overlap and the
whole school calendar should work together - a balance of fundraising and community
building events.
d. Assembles and manages the Events Committee.
e. Coordinates with the Resource Coordinator to ensure event Class Support Positions
are adequately filled.
f. Coordinates and organizes social and community building events internally and
g. Attends Bates workshop.

Fundraising Chair:
a. Researches and plans potential fundraising events that align with the Preschool's short
and long-term goals. Submits recommendations to the Board for review, discussion, and
b. Researches and forms strategic fundraising partnerships with community partners
outside of the Preschool.
c. Coordinates with the Special Events Chair, as there could be some event overlap and
the whole school calendar should work together - a balance of fundraising and
community building events.
d. Assembles and manages the Fundraising Committee.

e. Coordinates with the Resource Coordinator to ensure fundraising Class Support
Positions are adequately filled.
f. Coordinates and organizes fundraising events and donation drives internally and
g. Plans and manages the annual auction, the Preschool’s largest fundraiser.
h. Attends Bates workshop.

Membership Coordinator:
a. Returns phone calls and emails regarding interest in enrollment.
b. Assists Class Representatives and Teacher(s) in coordinating and compiling packets
prior to Orientation.
c. Coordinates the completion of all paperwork and training with Class Representatives
and Health and Safety Officer
d. Directs new members to the Resource Coordinator to sign up for individual
e. Maintains and updates class rosters, distributing most current roster to the Board .
f. Provides Teachers and Health and Safety Officer relevant information from individual
registration forms.
g. Coordinates all needed specific marketing campaigns for openings in each class with
Communications Director.
h. Attends Bates workshop.

Resource Coordinator:
a. Reviews and revises Operations Support Positions, with Teachers’ approval, and
provides same to the Parent Handbook Committee for inclusion in the yearly Parent
b. Facilitates Operations Support Positions sign ups and assignments prior to
c. Works closely with teachers and Board members responsible for various Operations
Support Positions to ensure that all jobs are being performed. Reviews timesheet
submittals monthly. Follows up as needed.
d. Coordinates, and tracks membership participation in, working parties.
e. Tracks membership participation in cleaning parties and special events.
f. Provides status updates for Operations Support Position hours fulfillment at the
monthly Parent Meeting.

Communications Director:
a. Distributes school-wide updates, newsletters and emergent communications to
families via communication platforms as determined by the Board.
b. Assists with management of BCP Social Media accounts, including publishing notices
from the Board, keeping Facebook groups up to date with current roster, and posting
announcements for important dates or upcoming events on the community page.
c. Maintains a current and accurate email list of families.

d. Compiles a weekly newsletter and distributes to current members at the beginning of
each week via Preschool application.
e. Makes flyers, videos and event pages for all events including but not limited to
Special Events, Fundraising, and Open Houses.
f. Coordinates marketing supplies, etc. needed for the year.
g. Coordinates production of the school yearbook.

Section 1:
A Nomination Committee consisting of one current board member and one
non-board member from each class shall be selected at the February parent meeting.

Section 2: The Nomination Committee will present a slate of nominees for all Board
positions at the March parent meeting. Nominations will be open from the floor before
voting takes place at the April parent meeting. Incoming families should be contacted to
inform them of available Board positions. Any new members interested in one of these
positions will be added to the slate of nominees. Article 7 Section 3 of the By Laws

Section 3: When more than one candidate is running for one specific office, a written
ballot will be prepared by the Nomination Committee. A simple majority of the entire
membership will rule.


a. VTC voting is the preferred voting method.
b. Voting should be conducted using the chat feature of the software.
c. For Motions requiring a simple majority vote to pass, it is the Board President’s
prerogative to require Board members to vote with something other than a simple “Yes,”
No,” or “Abstain.”
d. For Motions requiring a 2/3 majority vote to pass, a simple “Yes,” “No,” or “Abstain”
will not suffice. The Board President shall promulgate specific verbiage to identify the
Motion in the vote, for example: “Standing Rules – Yes/No/Abstain.”
e. If the software does not have a chat feature, then the Board President shall inform the
Board members of how the vote will be conducted during that session.

a. Email voting is to be kept to an absolute minimum. In matters of supreme urgency,
anyone can bring the issue to the President who then will call for an email vote. An
email vote must be done by the full Board. There has to be full participation and the vote

has to be unanimous for the motion to pass. If the motion does not receive a unanimous
yes or no vote with all Board members voting then there will be further discussion and a
resolution will be reached at the next Board meeting.
b. Email votes are discussed at the Board meeting before the email vote. New or
additional discussion can cause vote results to be nullified and put to a new Board vote
at the next board meeting.
c. Email voting procedures as follows:
i. Any Board member can bring up an issue to the President. The President will start the
email chain for the voting.
ii. The originator of the motion and the President prepare a motion.
iii. The Secretary emails all Board members within approximately 24 hours with the
motion and the originator of the motion. Someone must second the motion.
iv. All votes must be within the same email chain. If there are questions then the email
vote does not count and it goes on the agenda for the next meeting.
v. Every Board member has 48 hours to respond to an email vote.
vii. Each Board member responds with his or her vote directly to the email chain.
viii. Copies of the motion and the official results are to be made available at the Board
meeting following an email vote and added to the minutes.


Due to the potential vagaries which may accompany a parent meeting, it is impossible to
delineate in these Standing Rules specific procedures which can be followed to the letter
by the entire membership. Therefore, the President and Secretary should instead strive to
achieve the spirit of Article X, above.

Section 1: Procedures

a. The following guidelines shall be followed in the event that a family is not fulfilling
their membership duties and/or financial obligations:
b. The President or appropriate Board Member will contact the member involved by
phone or in person to discuss possible solutions to the problem or to allow the member
an opportunity to explain the circumstances. Documentation of the phone call or contact
will be recorded. Strict confidentiality will be observed.
c. If after fifteen (15) calendar days the problems are not corrected, a letter will be sent
by the President outlining the problem, restating the contract agreements and including a
written warning of possible termination of membership. Along with this letter, a new

contract will be included and must be signed by the family stating specific dated
compliance requirements.
d. This will include:
i. Financial responsibilities required (late payments, fees, etc.)
ii. Parent education participation requirements
iii. Committee or board duties
iv. Cleaning/working/special event requirements
v. Serve Day Parent duties
vi. Operations Support Position duties
vii. Family Auction contribution commitments
e. Any violation of the new contract will result in immediate termination of membership.
A final letter informing the family of termination of membership will be sent. The
family will not be allowed to re-enroll. Exceptions for hardships will be considered.

Section 1.
These Standing Rules, upon recommendation of the By- Laws Committee,
may be amended at any Board Meeting by the votes of two-thirds (2/3) of the members
present; PROVIDED, that formal notice of such amendment shall have been given at the
Board Meeting next preceding. The Secretary shall note upon the minutes of the Board
Meeting the notice of proposed amendment when made, and upon approval note upon
the minutes of the Board Meeting the amendment has received the requisite vote.
Enacted by Board Members at 2/7/2023 Board Meeting.

Safety Rules

© Burien Cooperative Preschool


Non-Discrimination Notice

Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Burien Cooperative Preschool reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, disability or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran in its programs and activities in accordance with school policy and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. 


phone number: (206) 259- 5733

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